Thursday, June 30, 2016

Best Days begins with -

Remember that feeling when you ordered a bunch of yarns online? Remember giddily being excited waiting for the arrival? Counting the days before you fall asleep, or even imagining when the mailman will ring your doorbell and pass on the package into your hands. No? Then I must really be a weirdo. Ha!

Excited, woohoo!

Look at all these nice colours

Since I resides in Belgium, I ordered mine from Wolnut. And last week this big surprise (not really) arrived, it really made my day. I decided to try out some Drops yarns. Ordered Belle, Cotton Light, Paris, Safran, Paris Recycled Denim. 

P/s ; I'm sure crocheters and knitters agree with me on this, right? 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Watermelons and an Owl!

Last week I have been keeping myself busy with making watermelon coasters, since they give the summer vibe. I just really like crocheting stuffs associated with foods. Here's how it looks like.

Looks yummy? Heh!

I made these coasters referring to the pattern I got here. I had to tweak it a little or else they wouldn't lay flat on a surface. Maybe had something to do with the thickness and size of my yarn and crochet hook.

Besides that I also made an amigurumi owl referring to the pattern here, except I had to replace the beak since I don't have yellow/orange felt. This is how it turns out. 

Good night! Zzzzzzzz.

P/s ; Hmm, what should I make next? ;3

Monday, June 13, 2016

Organising, the toughest thing to do.

Well, I recently learned how to crochet on Youtube and immediately fell in love and it currently is my hobby. However when I crochet, I found myself struggling to keep my surrounding spotless (wonder why eh?). So I decided to wind my yarns into yarn cakes as I realized it took 50% less space than a before. Mind you, I don't have the yarn winder. I've only recently discovered the existence of the device last night during late night reading (To clarify, I read on my tablet). So I do it manually, thanks to Youtube, now I'm well on my way to organize my yarn storage boxes! 

And I know my yarn collection isn't much compared to other veteran crocheters.
(I'm just a newbie, hehe)

P/s; I'm not even 50% done yet. I guess no more crocheting till they're all done, sobs. Decided to give my new blog a go. Here we go!

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