Monday, June 13, 2016

Organising, the toughest thing to do.

Well, I recently learned how to crochet on Youtube and immediately fell in love and it currently is my hobby. However when I crochet, I found myself struggling to keep my surrounding spotless (wonder why eh?). So I decided to wind my yarns into yarn cakes as I realized it took 50% less space than a before. Mind you, I don't have the yarn winder. I've only recently discovered the existence of the device last night during late night reading (To clarify, I read on my tablet). So I do it manually, thanks to Youtube, now I'm well on my way to organize my yarn storage boxes! 

And I know my yarn collection isn't much compared to other veteran crocheters.
(I'm just a newbie, hehe)

P/s; I'm not even 50% done yet. I guess no more crocheting till they're all done, sobs. Decided to give my new blog a go. Here we go!

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